Electric Heaters

Are you struggling with the rising cost of energy bills? Do you need heating equipment to support your central heating during colder months? Or maybe you are looking at electric heating solutions so you can avoid using your central heating? If so, you are in the right place. Here at Jackson & Gocher, we offer a range of efficient heating hire solutions to support domestic, industrial and commercial settings. This includes fan heaters, infrared heaters, oil-filled radiators and electric radiators.

Here at Jackson & Gocher, we hire clients of various sizes and designs for electric heaters to suit our customers' needs. Our electric heaters are energy efficient and can provide a reliable heat source for homes, warehouses or offices.

They are easy to install and can be placed in any room where you need additional warmth. Whether you are looking to heat a small space or a large open area through the winter, we have an electric heater that will meet your needs.

Our selection includes wall-mounted, portable, and baseboard heaters, so you can choose the style that best fits your space. If you need more information on the portable heaters we offer, be sure to speak to our team, and we will find the right heating solution for you, with cost-effective hiring solutions to match. 

Electric Heater Hire For Your Home

If you are looking for reasons to choose an electric heater for your home, look no further, we have the best electric heaters on the market; no matter the size of the electric heater you choose, the benefits are the same.

  1. Energy efficiency: Electric heaters are generally more energy efficient than other heaters, such as gas or oil, because they do not rely on burning fuel to generate heat. This can save you money on your energy bills.

  2. Safety: Electric heaters do not produce harmful emissions, such as carbon monoxide, making them a safer choice for your home.

  3. Easy installation: Electric heaters are easy to install and do not require special venting or gas lines.

  4. No maintenance: Electric heaters do not require maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing filters, making them a convenient and low-maintenance heating option.

How Can Electric Heating Help With Energy Bills?

Electric heaters can help reduce energy bills in several ways. Firstly, they are generally more energy efficient than other heaters, such as gas or oil, because they do not rely on burning fuel to generate heat. This means that they can produce the same amount of heat while using less energy, which can result in lower energy bills.

Additionally, electric heaters allow you to heat specific areas or rooms of your home rather than heating the entire house. This can help reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills.

Many electric heaters also come equipped with thermostats and timers that allow you to set a specific temperature and schedule for your heater, which can help you reduce your energy consumption by only heating your home when necessary and at a comfortable temperature.

Finally, choosing an energy-efficient electric heater, such as one that is Energy Star certified, can also help you save money on your energy bills.

Are Electric Heaters Safe?

Electric heaters are generally safe to use as long as they are used and maintained correctly. To ensure the safety of your electric heater, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and keep flammable materials at least 3 feet away from the heater.

Using a surge protector when plugging in your electric heater is also recommended to keep it away from water sources. When not in use, unplug your electric heater to reduce the risk of electrical fires.

Following these safety precautions can help ensure that your electric heater is used safely and effectively in your home.

Why Hire A Heater Rather Than Purchasing One?

Choosing to hire electric heaters over purchasing them offers several compelling advantages, especially for those requiring temporary heating solutions or facing budget constraints. Hiring allows access to a wide range of high-quality, efficient electric heaters without the upfront cost and long-term commitment of ownership.

This flexibility is ideal for events, construction projects, or temporary workspace heating where the need is seasonal or short-term. Additionally, Electric heater hire ensures you receive the latest, most energy-efficient models, providing optimal heating performance and reducing energy costs. Maintenance and repairs are typically covered by the hire service, relieving you of the burden of upkeep. For businesses and individuals aiming to manage expenses wisely while still enjoying the benefits of high-quality heating solutions, hiring electric heaters is a practical and cost-effective choice.

Hire Your Brand New Electric Heaters Online Today!

If you need an electric heater for short-term use, such as for a special event or while your heating system is being repaired, consider hiring one from Jackson & Gocher. We offer a variety of electric heaters for hire, including portable heaters, baseboard heaters, and wall-mounted heaters.

If you need radiators, heat that is to be focused on specific rooms, or just to release heat at a specific time, choose our electric heating options today. They warm the surrounding air quickly and efficiently without taking up much floor space.

Our team can help you choose the right heater for your needs and budget. Our hire heaters are in excellent working condition and have been thoroughly tested and inspected before being made available for hire.

We also offer delivery and pickup services to make the hiring process as convenient as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our electric heater hire options and to get a quote, or to find out about our gas and oil heaters. 

Contact Details

Jackson & Gocher Hire Centre
Harrow Lane Off Farncombe Street Farncombe Godalming Surrey GU7 3LP 01483 527000 hire@jghire.co.uk

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